Data Generation#


#include <raft/random/make_blobs.cuh>

namespace raft::random

template<typename DataT, typename IdxT, typename layout>
void make_blobs(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_matrix_view<DataT, IdxT, layout> out, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> labels, IdxT n_clusters = 5, std::optional<raft::device_matrix_view<DataT, IdxT, layout>> centers = std::nullopt, std::optional<raft::device_vector_view<DataT, IdxT>> const cluster_std = std::nullopt, const DataT cluster_std_scalar = (DataT)1.0, bool shuffle = true, DataT center_box_min = (DataT)-10.0, DataT center_box_max = (DataT)10.0, uint64_t seed = 0ULL, GeneratorType type = GenPC)#

GPU-equivalent of sklearn.datasets.make_blobs.

Template Parameters:
  • DataT – output data type

  • IdxT – indexing arithmetic type

  • handle[in] raft handle for managing expensive resources

  • out[out] generated data [on device] [dim = n_rows x n_cols]

  • labels[out] labels for the generated data [on device] [len = n_rows]

  • n_clusters[in] number of clusters (or classes) to generate

  • centers[in] centers of each of the cluster, pass a nullptr if you need this also to be generated randomly [on device] [dim = n_clusters x n_cols]

  • cluster_std[in] standard deviation of each cluster center, pass a nullptr if this is to be read from the cluster_std_scalar. [on device] [len = n_clusters]

  • cluster_std_scalar[in] if ‘cluster_std’ is nullptr, then use this as the std-dev across all dimensions.

  • shuffle[in] shuffle the generated dataset and labels

  • center_box_min[in] min value of box from which to pick cluster centers. Useful only if ‘centers’ is nullptr

  • center_box_max[in] max value of box from which to pick cluster centers. Useful only if ‘centers’ is nullptr

  • seed[in] seed for the RNG

  • type[in] RNG type


#include <raft/random/make_regression.cuh>

namespace raft::random

template<typename DataT, typename IdxT>
void make_regression(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_matrix_view<DataT, IdxT, raft::row_major> out, raft::device_matrix_view<DataT, IdxT, raft::row_major> values, IdxT n_informative, std::optional<raft::device_matrix_view<DataT, IdxT, raft::row_major>> coef, DataT bias = DataT{}, IdxT effective_rank = static_cast<IdxT>(-1), DataT tail_strength = DataT{0.5}, DataT noise = DataT{}, bool shuffle = true, uint64_t seed = 0ULL, GeneratorType type = GenPC)#

GPU-equivalent of sklearn.datasets.make_regression as documented at:

Template Parameters:
  • DataT – Scalar type

  • IdxT – Index type

  • handle[in] RAFT handle

  • out[out] Row-major (samples, features) matrix to store the problem data

  • values[out] Row-major (samples, targets) matrix to store the values for the regression problem

  • n_informative[in] Number of informative features (non-zero coefficients)

  • coef[out] If present, a row-major (features, targets) matrix to store the coefficients used to generate the values for the regression problem

  • bias[in] A scalar that will be added to the values

  • effective_rank[in] The approximate rank of the data matrix (used to create correlations in the data). -1 is the code to use well-conditioned data

  • tail_strength[in] The relative importance of the fat noisy tail of the singular values profile if effective_rank is not -1

  • noise[in] Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise applied to the output

  • shuffle[in] Shuffle the samples and the features

  • seed[in] Seed for the random number generator

  • type[in] Random generator type


#include <raft/random/rmat_rectangular_generator.cuh>

namespace raft::random

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_vector_view<const ProbT, IdxT> theta, raft::device_mdspan<IdxT, raft::extents<IdxT, raft::dynamic_extent, 2>, raft::row_major> out, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_src, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_dst, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Generate a bipartite RMAT graph for a rectangular adjacency matrix.

This is the most general of several overloads of rmat_rectangular_gen in this file, and thus has the most detailed documentation.

We call the r_scale != c_scale case the “rectangular adjacency matrix” case (in other words, generating bipartite graphs). In this case, at depth >= r_scale, the distribution is assumed to be:

[theta[4 * depth] + theta[4 * depth + 2], theta[4 * depth + 1] + theta[4 * depth + 3]; 0, 0].

Then for depth >= c_scale, the distribution is assumed to be:

[theta[4 * depth] + theta[4 * depth + 1], 0; theta[4 * depth + 2] + theta[4 * depth + 3], 0].


This can generate duplicate edges and self-loops. It is the responsibility of the caller to clean them up accordingly.


This also only generates directed graphs. If undirected graphs are needed, then a separate post-processing step is expected to be done by the caller.

Template Parameters:
  • IdxT – Type of each node index

  • ProbT – Data type used for probability distributions (either fp32 or fp64)

  • handle[in] RAFT handle, containing the CUDA stream on which to schedule work

  • r[in] underlying state of the random generator. Especially useful when one wants to call this API for multiple times in order to generate a larger graph. For that case, just create this object with the initial seed once and after every call continue to pass the same object for the successive calls.

  • out[out] Generated edgelist [on device], packed in array-of-structs fashion. In each row, the first element is the source node id, and the second element is the destination node id.

  • out_src[out] Source node id’s [on device].

  • out_dst[out] Destination node id’s [on device]. out_src and out_dst together form the struct-of-arrays representation of the same output data as out.

  • theta[in] distribution of each quadrant at each level of resolution. Since these are probabilities, each of the 2x2 matrices for each level of the RMAT must sum to one. [on device] [dim = max(r_scale, c_scale) x 2 x 2]. Of course, it is assumed that each of the group of 2 x 2 numbers all sum up to 1.

  • r_scale[in] 2^r_scale represents the number of source nodes

  • c_scale[in] 2^c_scale represents the number of destination nodes


out.extent(0) == 2 *out_src.extent(0)istrue @preout_src.extent(0) == out_dst.extent(0)istrue`

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_vector_view<const ProbT, IdxT> theta, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_src, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_dst, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Overload of rmat_rectangular_gen that only generates the struct-of-arrays (two vectors) output representation.

This overload only generates the struct-of-arrays (two vectors) output representation: output vector out_src of source node id’s, and output vector out_dst of destination node id’s.


out_src.extent(0) == out_dst.extent(0) is true

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_vector_view<const ProbT, IdxT> theta, raft::device_mdspan<IdxT, raft::extents<IdxT, raft::dynamic_extent, 2>, raft::row_major> out, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Overload of rmat_rectangular_gen that only generates the array-of-structs (one vector) output representation.

This overload only generates the array-of-structs (one vector) output representation: a single output vector out, where in each row, the first element is the source node id, and the second element is the destination node id.

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_mdspan<IdxT, raft::extents<IdxT, raft::dynamic_extent, 2>, raft::row_major> out, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_src, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_dst, ProbT a, ProbT b, ProbT c, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Overload of rmat_rectangular_gen that assumes the same a, b, c, d probability distributions across all the scales, and takes all three output vectors (out with the array-of-structs output representation, and out_src and out_dst with the struct-of-arrays output representation).

a, b, andc effectively replace the above overloads theta parameter.


out.extent(0) == 2 *out_src.extent(0)istrue @preout_src.extent(0) == out_dst.extent(0)istrue`

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_src, raft::device_vector_view<IdxT, IdxT> out_dst, ProbT a, ProbT b, ProbT c, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Overload of rmat_rectangular_gen that assumes the same a, b, c, d probability distributions across all the scales, and takes only two output vectors (the struct-of-arrays output representation).

a, b, andc effectively replace the above overloads theta parameter.


out_src.extent(0) == out_dst.extent(0) is true

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(raft::resources const &handle, raft::random::RngState &r, raft::device_mdspan<IdxT, raft::extents<IdxT, raft::dynamic_extent, 2>, raft::row_major> out, ProbT a, ProbT b, ProbT c, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale)#

Overload of rmat_rectangular_gen that assumes the same a, b, c, d probability distributions across all the scales, and takes only one output vector (the array-of-structs output representation).

a, b, andc effectively replace the above overloads theta parameter.

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(IdxT *out, IdxT *out_src, IdxT *out_dst, const ProbT *theta, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale, IdxT n_edges, cudaStream_t stream, raft::random::RngState &r)#

Legacy overload of rmat_rectangular_gen taking raw arrays instead of mdspan.

Template Parameters:
  • IdxT – type of each node index

  • ProbT – data type used for probability distributions (either fp32 or fp64)

  • out[out] generated edgelist [on device] [dim = n_edges x 2]. In each row the first element is the source node id, and the second element is the destination node id. If you don’t need this output then pass a nullptr in its place.

  • out_src[out] list of source node id’s [on device] [len = n_edges]. If you don’t need this output then pass a nullptr in its place.

  • out_dst[out] list of destination node id’s [on device] [len = n_edges]. If you don’t need this output then pass a nullptr in its place.

  • theta[in] distribution of each quadrant at each level of resolution. Since these are probabilities, each of the 2x2 matrices for each level of the RMAT must sum to one. [on device] [dim = max(r_scale, c_scale) x 2 x 2]. Of course, it is assumed that each of the group of 2 x 2 numbers all sum up to 1.

  • r_scale[in] 2^r_scale represents the number of source nodes

  • c_scale[in] 2^c_scale represents the number of destination nodes

  • n_edges[in] number of edges to generate

  • stream[in] cuda stream on which to schedule the work

  • r[in] underlying state of the random generator. Especially useful when one wants to call this API for multiple times in order to generate a larger graph. For that case, just create this object with the initial seed once and after every call continue to pass the same object for the successive calls.

template<typename IdxT, typename ProbT>
void rmat_rectangular_gen(IdxT *out, IdxT *out_src, IdxT *out_dst, ProbT a, ProbT b, ProbT c, IdxT r_scale, IdxT c_scale, IdxT n_edges, cudaStream_t stream, raft::random::RngState &r)#

Legacy overload of rmat_rectangular_gen taking raw arrays instead of mdspan. This overload assumes the same a, b, c, d probability distributions across all the scales.