Sparse Matrix Operations#
template<typename T>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_remove_scalar(const int *rows, const int *cols, const T *vals, int nnz, int *crows, int *ccols, T *cvals, int *cnnz, int *cur_cnnz, T scalar, int n, cudaStream_t stream)# Removes the values matching a particular scalar from a COO formatted sparse matrix.
- Parameters:
rows – input array of rows (size n)
cols – input array of cols (size n)
vals – input array of vals (size n)
nnz – size of current rows/cols/vals arrays
crows – compressed array of rows
ccols – compressed array of cols
cvals – compressed array of vals
cnnz – array of non-zero counts per row
cur_cnnz – array of counts per row
scalar – scalar to remove from arrays
n – number of rows in dense matrix
stream – cuda stream to use
template<typename T>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_remove_scalar(COO<T> *in, COO<T> *out, T scalar, cudaStream_t stream)# Removes the values matching a particular scalar from a COO formatted sparse matrix.
- Parameters:
in – input COO matrix
out – output COO matrix
scalar – scalar to remove from arrays
stream – cuda stream to use
template<typename T>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_remove_zeros(COO<T> *in, COO<T> *out, cudaStream_t stream)# Removes zeros from a COO formatted sparse matrix.
- Parameters:
in – input COO matrix
out – output COO matrix
stream – cuda stream to use
template<typename value_idx>
void raft::sparse::op::compute_duplicates_mask(value_idx *mask, const value_idx *rows, const value_idx *cols, size_t nnz, cudaStream_t stream)# Computes a mask from a sorted COO matrix where 0’s denote duplicate values and 1’s denote new values. This mask can be useful for computing an exclusive scan to pre-build offsets for reducing duplicates, such as when symmetrizing or taking the min of each duplicated value.
Note that this function always marks the first value as 0 so that a cumulative sum can be performed as a follow-on. However, even if the mask is used directly, any duplicates should always have a 1 when first encountered so it can be assumed that the first element is always a 1 otherwise.
- Template Parameters:
value_idx –
- Parameters:
mask – [out] output mask, size nnz
rows – [in] COO rows array, size nnz
cols – [in] COO cols array, size nnz
nnz – [in] number of nonzeros in input arrays
stream – [in] cuda ops will be ordered wrt this stream
template<typename value_idx, typename value_t>
void raft::sparse::op::max_duplicates(raft::resources const &handle, raft::sparse::COO<value_t, value_idx> &out, const value_idx *rows, const value_idx *cols, const value_t *vals, size_t nnz, size_t m, size_t n)# Performs a COO reduce of duplicate columns per row, taking the max weight for duplicate columns in each row. This function assumes the input COO has been sorted by both row and column but makes no assumption on the sorting of values.
- Template Parameters:
value_idx –
value_t –
- Parameters:
handle – [in]
out – [out] output COO, the nnz will be computed allocate() will be called in this function.
rows – [in] COO rows array, size nnz
cols – [in] COO cols array, size nnz
vals – [in] COO vals array, size nnz
nnz – [in] number of nonzeros in COO input arrays
m – [in] number of rows in COO input matrix
n – [in] number of columns in COO input matrix
- template<typename Index_> void void raft::sparse::op::csr_row_op (const Index_ *row_ind, Index_ n_rows, Index_ nnz, Lambda op, cudaStream_t stream)
Perform a custom row operation on a CSR matrix in batches.
- Template Parameters:
T – numerical type of row_ind array
TPB_X – number of threads per block to use for underlying kernel
Lambda – type of custom operation function
- Parameters:
row_ind – the CSR row_ind array to perform parallel operations over
n_rows – total number vertices in graph
nnz – number of non-zeros
op – custom row operation functor accepting the row and beginning index.
stream – cuda stream to use
template<typename value_idx>
void raft::sparse::op::csr_row_slice_indptr(value_idx start_row, value_idx stop_row, const value_idx *indptr, value_idx *indptr_out, value_idx *start_offset, value_idx *stop_offset, cudaStream_t stream)# Slice consecutive rows from a CSR array and populate newly sliced indptr array
- Template Parameters:
value_idx –
- Parameters:
start_row – [in] : beginning row to slice
stop_row – [in] : ending row to slice
indptr – [in] : indptr of input CSR to slice
indptr_out – [out] : output sliced indptr to populate
start_offset – [in] : beginning column offset of input indptr
stop_offset – [in] : ending column offset of input indptr
stream – [in] : cuda stream for ordering events
template<typename value_idx, typename value_t>
void raft::sparse::op::csr_row_slice_populate(value_idx start_offset, value_idx stop_offset, const value_idx *indices, const value_t *data, value_idx *indices_out, value_t *data_out, cudaStream_t stream)# Slice rows from a CSR, populate column and data arrays
- Template Parameters:
value_idx – : data type of CSR index arrays
value_t – : data type of CSR data array
- Parameters:
start_offset – [in] : beginning column offset to slice
stop_offset – [in] : ending column offset to slice
indices – [in] : column indices array from input CSR
data – [in] : data array from input CSR
indices_out – [out] : output column indices array
data_out – [out] : output data array
stream – [in] : cuda stream for ordering events
template<typename T>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_sort(int m, int n, int nnz, int *rows, int *cols, T *vals, cudaStream_t stream)# Sorts the arrays that comprise the coo matrix by row and then by column.
- Parameters:
m – number of rows in coo matrix
n – number of cols in coo matrix
nnz – number of non-zeros
rows – rows array from coo matrix
cols – cols array from coo matrix
vals – vals array from coo matrix
stream – cuda stream to use
template<typename T>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_sort(COO<T> *const in, cudaStream_t stream)# Sort the underlying COO arrays by row.
- Template Parameters:
T – the type name of the underlying value array
- Parameters:
in – COO to sort by row
stream – the cuda stream to use
template<typename value_idx, typename value_t>
void raft::sparse::op::coo_sort_by_weight(value_idx *rows, value_idx *cols, value_t *data, value_idx nnz, cudaStream_t stream)# Sorts a COO by its weight
- Template Parameters:
value_idx –
value_t –
- Parameters:
rows – [inout] source edges
cols – [inout] dest edges
data – [inout] edge weights
nnz – [in] number of edges in edge list
stream – [in] cuda stream for which to order cuda operations