libcuproj  24.02.00
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Caxis_swapAxis swap operation: swap x and y coordinates
 Cclamp_angular_coordinatesClamp angular coordinates to the valid range and offset by the central meridian (lam0) and an optional prime meridian offset
 Ccuda_errorException thrown when a CUDA error is encountered
 Cdegrees_to_radiansConverts degrees to radians and vice versa
 CellipsoidEllipsoid parameters
 Clogic_errorException thrown when logical precondition is violated
 Coffset_scale_cartesian_coordinatesGiven Cartesian coordinates (x, y) in meters, offset and scale them to the projection's origin and scale (ellipsoidal semi-major axis)
 CoperationBase class for all transform operations
 CprojectionA projection transforms coordinates between coordinate reference systems
 Cprojection_parametersProjection parameters
 Cvec_2dA generic 2D vector type