libcuspatial  23.12.00
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Distance computation APIs. More...


file  distance.hpp
file  distance.cuh


template<class LonLatItA , class LonLatItB , class OutputIt , class T = typename cuspatial::iterator_vec_base_type<LonLatItA>>
OutputIt cuspatial::haversine_distance (LonLatItA a_lonlat_first, LonLatItA a_lonlat_last, LonLatItB b_lonlat_first, OutputIt distance_first, T const radius=EARTH_RADIUS_KM, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Compute haversine distances between points in set A to the corresponding points in set B.
template<class PointIt , class OffsetIt , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::directed_hausdorff_distance (PointIt points_first, PointIt points_last, OffsetIt space_offsets_first, OffsetIt space_offsets_last, OutputIt distance_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Computes Hausdorff distances for all pairs in a collection of spaces.
template<class MultiPointArrayViewA , class MultiPointArrayViewB , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_distance (MultiPointArrayViewA multipoints1, MultiPointArrayViewB multipoints2, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Compute pairwise (multi)point-to-(multi)point Cartesian distance.
template<class MultiPointRange , class MultiLinestringRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_linestring_distance (MultiPointRange multipoints, MultiLinestringRange multilinestrings, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Compute pairwise multipoint to multilinestring distance.
template<class MultiPointRange , class MultiPolygonRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_polygon_distance (MultiPointRange multipoints, MultiPolygonRange multipoiygons, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Computes pairwise multipoint to multipolygon distance.
template<class MultiLinestringRange1 , class MultiLinestringRange2 , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_linestring_distance (MultiLinestringRange1 multilinestrings1, MultiLinestringRange2 multilinestrings2, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
template<class MultiLinestringRange , class MultiPolygonRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_linestring_polygon_distance (MultiLinestringRange multilinestrings, MultiPolygonRange multipoiygons, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Computes pairwise multilinestring to multipolygon distance.
template<class MultipolygonRangeA , class MultipolygonRangeB , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_polygon_distance (MultipolygonRangeA lhs, MultipolygonRangeB rhs, OutputIt distances_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=rmm::cuda_stream_default)
 Computes pairwise multipolygon to multipolygon distance.

Detailed Description

Distance computation APIs.

Function Documentation

◆ directed_hausdorff_distance()

template<class PointIt , class OffsetIt , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::directed_hausdorff_distance ( PointIt  points_first,
PointIt  points_last,
OffsetIt  space_offsets_first,
OffsetIt  space_offsets_last,
OutputIt  distance_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Computes Hausdorff distances for all pairs in a collection of spaces.

Example in 1D (this function operates in 2D):

[0 2 5] [9] [3 7]
spaces represented as points per space and concatenation of all points
[0 2 5 9 3 7] [3 1 2]
note: the following matrices are visually separated to highlight the relationship of a pair of
points with the pair of spaces from which it is produced
cartesian product of all
points by pair of spaces distance between points
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 00 02 05 : 09 : 03 07 : : 0 2 5 : 9 : 3 7 :
: 20 22 25 : 29 : 23 27 : : 2 0 3 : 7 : 1 5 :
: 50 52 55 : 59 : 53 57 : : 5 3 0 : 4 : 2 2 :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 90 92 95 : 99 : 93 97 : : 9 7 4 : 0 : 6 2 :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 30 32 35 : 39 : 33 37 : : 3 1 2 : 6 : 0 4 :
: 70 72 75 : 79 : 73 77 : : 7 5 2 : 2 : 4 0 :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
minimum distance from
every point in one Hausdorff distance is
space to any point in the maximum of the
the other space minimum distances
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 0 : 9 : 3 : : 0 : 9 : 3 :
: 0 : 7 : 1 : : : : :
: 0 : 4 : 2 : : : : :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 4 : 0 : 2 : : 4 : 0 : 2 :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
: 1 : 6 : 0 : : : 6 : 0 :
: 2 : 2 : 0 : : 2 : : :
+----------+----+-------+ +---------+---+------+
returned as concatenation of columns
[0 2 4 3 0 2 9 6 0]
[in]points_firstxs: beginning of range of (x,y) points
[in]points_lastsxs: end of range of (x,y) points
[in]space_offsets_firstbeginning of range of indices to each space.
[in]space_offsets_firstend of range of indices to each space. Last index is the last
[in]distance_firstbeginning of range of output Hausdorff distance for each pair of spaces
Template Parameters
PointItIterator to input points. Points must be of a type that is convertible to cuspatial::vec_2d<T>. Must meet the requirements of [LegacyRandomAccessIterator][LinkLRAI] and be device-accessible.
OffsetItIterator to space offsets. Value type must be integral. Must meet the requirements of [LegacyRandomAccessIterator][LinkLRAI] and be device-accessible.
OutputItOutput iterator. Must meet the requirements of [LegacyRandomAccessIterator][LinkLRAI] and be device-accessible and mutable.
All iterators must have the same underlying floating-point value type.
Output iterator to the element past the last distance computed.
Hausdorff distances are asymmetrical

◆ haversine_distance()

template<class LonLatItA , class LonLatItB , class OutputIt , class T = typename cuspatial::iterator_vec_base_type<LonLatItA>>
OutputIt cuspatial::haversine_distance ( LonLatItA  a_lonlat_first,
LonLatItA  a_lonlat_last,
LonLatItB  b_lonlat_first,
OutputIt  distance_first,
T const  radius = EARTH_RADIUS_KM,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Compute haversine distances between points in set A to the corresponding points in set B.

Computes N haversine distances, where N is std::distance(a_lonlat_first, a_lonlat_last). The distance for each a_lonlat[i] and b_lonlat[i] point pair is assigned to distance_first[i]. distance_first must be an iterator to output storage allocated for N distances.

Computed distances will have the same units as radius.

[in]a_lonlat_firstbeginning of range of (longitude, latitude) locations in set A
[in]a_lonlat_lastend of range of (longitude, latitude) locations in set A
[in]b_lonlat_firstbeginning of range of (longitude, latitude) locations in set B
[out]distance_firstbeginning of output range of haversine distances
[in]radiusradius of the sphere on which the points reside. default: 6371.0 (approximate radius of Earth in km)
[in]streamThe CUDA stream on which to perform computations and allocate memory.
Template Parameters
LonLatItAIterator to input location set A. Must meet the requirements of LegacyRandomAccessIterator and be device-accessible.
LonLatItBIterator to input location set B. Must meet the requirements of LegacyRandomAccessIterator and be device-accessible.
OutputItOutput iterator. Must meet the requirements of LegacyRandomAccessIterator and be device-accessible and mutable.
TThe underlying coordinate type. Must be a floating-point type.
All iterators must have the same Location type, with the same underlying floating-point coordinate type (e.g. cuspatial::vec_2d<float>).
Output iterator to the element past the last distance computed.

◆ pairwise_linestring_distance()

template<class MultiLinestringRange1 , class MultiLinestringRange2 , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_linestring_distance ( MultiLinestringRange1  multilinestrings1,
MultiLinestringRange2  multilinestrings2,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

The shortest distance between two linestrings is defined as the shortest distance between all pairs of segments of the two linestrings. If any of the segments intersect, the distance is 0.

Template Parameters
MultiLinestringRangean instance of template type multilinestring_range
OutputItiterator type for output array. Must meet the requirements of [LRAI](LinkLRAI) and be device writable.
multilinestrings1Range object of the lhs multilinestring array
multilinestrings2Range object of the rhs multilinestring array
streamThe CUDA stream to use for device memory operations and kernel launches.
Output iterator to the element past the last distance computed.

◆ pairwise_linestring_polygon_distance()

template<class MultiLinestringRange , class MultiPolygonRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_linestring_polygon_distance ( MultiLinestringRange  multilinestrings,
MultiPolygonRange  multipoiygons,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Computes pairwise multilinestring to multipolygon distance.

Template Parameters
MultiLinestringRangeAn instance of template type multipoint_range
MultiPolygonRangeAn instance of template type multipolygon_range
OutputItiterator type for output array. Must meet the requirements of [LRAI](LinkLRAI). Must be an iterator to type convertible from floating points.
multilinestringsRange of multilinestrings, one per computed distance pair.
multipolygonsRange of multipolygons, one per computed distance pair.
streamThe CUDA stream on which to perform computations
Output Iterator past the last distance computed

◆ pairwise_point_distance()

template<class MultiPointArrayViewA , class MultiPointArrayViewB , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_distance ( MultiPointArrayViewA  multipoints1,
MultiPointArrayViewB  multipoints2,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Compute pairwise (multi)point-to-(multi)point Cartesian distance.

Computes the cartesian distance between each pair of multipoints.

Template Parameters
MultiPointArrayViewAAn instance of template type array_view::multipoint_array
MultiPointArrayViewBAn instance of template type array_view::multipoint_array
multipoints1Range of first multipoint in each distance pair.
multipoints2Range of second multipoint in each distance pair.
Iterator past the last distance computed

◆ pairwise_point_linestring_distance()

template<class MultiPointRange , class MultiLinestringRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_linestring_distance ( MultiPointRange  multipoints,
MultiLinestringRange  multilinestrings,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Compute pairwise multipoint to multilinestring distance.

Template Parameters
MultiPointRangean instance of template type multipoint_range
MultiLinestringRangean instance of template type multilinestring_range
OutputItiterator type for output array. Must meet the requirements of [LRAI](LinkLRAI).
multipointsThe range of multipoints, one per computed distance pair
multilinestringsThe range of multilinestrings, one per computed distance pair
streamThe CUDA stream to use for device memory operations and kernel launches.
Output iterator to the element past the last distance computed.

◆ pairwise_point_polygon_distance()

template<class MultiPointRange , class MultiPolygonRange , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_point_polygon_distance ( MultiPointRange  multipoints,
MultiPolygonRange  multipoiygons,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Computes pairwise multipoint to multipolygon distance.

Template Parameters
MultiPointRangeAn instance of template type multipoint_range
MultiPolygonRangeAn instance of template type multipolygon_range
OutputItiterator type for output array. Must meet the requirements of [LRAI](LinkLRAI). Must be an iterator to type convertible from floating points.
multipointsRange of multipoints, one per computed distance pair.
multipolygonsRange of multilinestrings, one per computed distance pair.
streamThe CUDA stream on which to perform computations
Output Iterator past the last distance computed

◆ pairwise_polygon_distance()

template<class MultipolygonRangeA , class MultipolygonRangeB , class OutputIt >
OutputIt cuspatial::pairwise_polygon_distance ( MultipolygonRangeA  lhs,
MultipolygonRangeB  rhs,
OutputIt  distances_first,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = rmm::cuda_stream_default 

Computes pairwise multipolygon to multipolygon distance.

Template Parameters
MultiPolygonRangeAAn instance of template type multipolygon_range
MultiPolygonRangeBAn instance of template type multipolygon_range
OutputItiterator type for output array. Must meet the requirements of [LRAI](LinkLRAI). Must be an iterator to type convertible from floating points.
lhsThe first multipolygon range to compute distance from
rhsThe second multipolygon range to compute distance to
streamThe CUDA stream on which to perform computations
Output Iterator past the last distance computed